Sunday 21 August 2011

Announcements: Update 22/8/2011

Use your time wisely! Don't waste it!

Biology Supplementary Lessons [For ALL my students]

Biology Group 1: Thursday 3-4pm or Friday 1-2pm
Biology Group 2: Tuesday 3-4pm or Friday 1-2pm or 2-3pm

SEPTEMBER HOLIDAYS: Biology Supplementary Lesson [For ALL my students]

Biology Group 1/2: Thursday, 8th of September 2011 (8/9/2011), 10am-12pm (I will stay till 1pm)

Consultation during September Holidays 

Tuesday (6/9/2011): 9am - 1pm,
[I cannot come on Wednesday as I am on course that day]

Call me out of the Staff Room or if I do not answer you, find me at the Study Corner.
Thursday (8/9/2011) till 1pm, 
Friday (9/9/2011) 8:30am-10am

Of course, I am also available at my usual channels: moe email, facebook ...

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