Sunday 21 August 2011

[Components of Blood} What we have just learnt! Chapter 8: Transport in Plants

From Part 1 of your slides: Transport in Humans, here is the video link to:

Components of Blood:

Questions to ask yourself:

What are the components of blood?
Can you list some of their functions?
How much blood is there in your body? (depending on whether you are male or female, young or old)
What are some blood vessels that we have learnt in class today?
How would you define an artery and a vein?

Here's another video to help you remember what I talked about in class today:

This video gives you a clear and concise idea of the various components of blood, especially, it gives you an example of a real live centrifuge, and what the test-tube of blood looks like after being centrifuged. However, for us, it provides us with lots of details (when they talk about the functions of the different components of blood) that are not really required in our syllabus but of course, it is always great if you love Biology and want to learn more. :)

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